Peavey MidiBass Bundle
vintage Peavey MIDIBass Midi Bass White with case. Original Bridge pickup included does not work. Non-Original bridge pickup installed does not work. Does not include 8 pin F-F cable to connect the Midi Bass.
s/n 06241806
Includes :
Peavey MidiBass with Peavey case
1 new 16v 1A power supply
Peavey Midi Base Voice Module
Peavey MidiBase Receiver Interface
Peavey DPM Spectrum Bass Digital Phase Modulation Synthesizer
Notes - Spectrum Module serviced - All pots cleaned.
MidiBass Module has a new battery.
All 3 Rack units power up.
We do not have the 8 pin F-F cable needed to test out the Midi Bass itself.
One of the rack ears on the Midi Base Voice Module is bent.
*Will ship in 2 separate boxes*